Thursday, April 18

Falsafah Al-Kindi dan Al-Razi

Filsafat Al-Kindi

·       Falsafah Ketuhanan
    Menurut Alkindi falsafah dan agama mempunyai hubungan yang erat,tujuan agama ialah menerangkan apa yang benar dan apa yang baik dan tujuan falsafah juga sama dengan agama,menurut Alkindi falsafah yang paling tinggi adalahfalsafah tentang tuhan sebagaimana ungkapnya’’falsafah yang mulia dan tertinggi derajatnya adalah falsafah utama,yaitu ilmutentang yang benar pertama yang menjadi bagi segala yang benar’’, Kebenaran ialah kesesuaian apa yang ada di dalam akal dan di luar akal.
Tuhan dalam falsafal Alkindi tidak mempunyai hakekat dalam arti aniiah atau mahiah. Tidak aniah karna tuhan tidak dalam benda-benda yang ada dalam alam ,bahkan ia adalah pencipta.Tuhan tidak mempunyai hakekat dalam bebtuk mahiah karna tuhan tidak mempuanyai genus atau spesies.
           Falsafah Jiwa
    Menurut Alkindi Roh             tidak tersusun(simple) tetapi mempunyai arti penting,sempurna,dan mulia. Substansinya berasal dari substansi tuhan, hubungan tuhan dengan roh sama seperti hubungan cahaya dengan matahari ,Roh itu berbeda dengan badan dan mempunyai wujud sendiri.
            Falsafah Alam
Menurut Alkindi alam ini tak kekal .mengenai hal ini,ia memberikan pemecahan yang radikal, dengan membahas gagasan tentang ketakterhinggahan secara matematik.Benda-benda fisik terdiri atas materi dan bentuk ,dan bergerak didalam ruang dan waktu.
            Falsafah Roh dan Akal
     Roh adalah suatu wujud sederhana,dan zatnya terpancarnya dari sang  pencipta ,persis sebagaimana sinar terpancar dari matahari.Roh bersifat spiritual ,ketuhanan ,terpisahan dan berbedah dari tubuh.

Filsafat Ar-Razi

·         Filsafat Lima Kekal
     Penjelasan tentang lima kekal ,sebagaimana Al-Biruni mengatakan,Muhammad ibnu Zakaria Ar-Rozi telah melaporkan kekelan lima hal dari yunani kuno, yaitu: Tuhan,roh universal,materi pertama,ruang mutlak,dan waktu mutlak.
Sistematika filsafat lima kekal Ar-Rozi dapat di jelaskan sebagai berikut:
1.      Al-Bari Ta’ala (ALLAH) :hidup dan aktif[dengan sifat independent].
2.      An-Nafs al-kulliyyah (jiwa universal):hidup dan aktif dan menjadi al mabda’ al-qodim ats-tsani (sumber kekal kedua).Hidup dan aktifnya bersifat dependen.
3.      Al-Hayula al-ula(materi pertama):tidak hidup pasif.
4.      Al-Makan al-muthlaq(ruang absolut):tidak aktif dan tidak pasif.
5.      Az-Zaman al-muthlaq(zaman absolut):tidak aktif dan tidak pasif.
            Filsafat Rasinalis
      Ar-Rozi adalah seorang rasionalis murni ,Rasionalis Ar-Rozi terhadap akal tampak jelas dalm bukunya Ath-Thibb ar-Ruhani.yang inti dari isinya  yakni bahwa tiada tempat bagi wahyu atau intuisi mistis, hanya akal logislah yang merupakan kriteria tunggal pengetahuan dan prilaku.Tak ada kekuatan  irasional dapat d kerahkan.Ar-Rozi adalah seorang rasionalis religious ,bukan rasionalis –liberal karena Ar-Rozi masih mengakui kenabian dan mendasarkan logikanya kepada agama dan kewahyuan.
            Filsafat Moral
Filsafat moral atau etika Ar-Rozi sangat bijak ,Bahkan ,intelektualisme eksesif yang tampaknya ia diagnosis ada dalam dirinya sendiri,mengikuti saran Galen bahwa kita dapat menemukan keburukan –keburukan kita sendiri dengan memperhatikan kritik-kritik dari musuh kita,diakui sebagai keburukan karna daya rusaknya terhadap kesehatan dan ketenangan pikiran kita, dan karna rasa frustasi yang tak terelakkan  yang diakibatkan oleh tak terpenuhinya ambisi intelektual .

Monday, April 8

Means of Scientific Thinking

Means of scientific thinking is a tool that petrified scientific activities in various steps that must be taken. In certain rare usually required certain facilities also. It should be noted means of science is not based on knowledge gained from the scientific method and the purpose of learning is to allow us to do good scientific study, while the purpose of science is to gain knowledge that allows us to solve everyday problems.Scientific means function is to assist the process of the scientific method. To be able to perform activities of scientific thinking is needed means premises either in the form of language, logic, mathematics, and statistics. 

1. Language 
Language can be characterized as a series of sounds. In this case we use sound as a tool to communicate. Language is also an emblem which form a series of sound sense. For example we denote a specific object with the mountain. The word mountain is actually a symbol that we give to the object just like that where every nation and language provide a different symbol.
2. Mathematics
 Mathematics is a language that symbolizes group of meaning and expression that we want to convey. Mathematical symbol is "artificial" has new meaning after a meaning given to it. For example if we want to study the speed of the toe of a child we denote by z = y / x symbol it would be meaningless if we interpret z as walking time, x the speed of walking and y the distance traveled by children. 
3. Statistics 
The concept is often associated with a statistical distribution of variables that have been studied role in a given population. Scientific research, either in the form of surveys and experiments, conducted with more care and meticulous techniques using statistic be developed as needed. Testing requires us to draw a general conclusion from the cases the individual. For example if we want to know what the average height of children aged 10 years in a place so high a value means that it is a common conclusion drawn in cases of children aged 10 years in that place.

Saturday, April 6

Structure of Scientific Knowledge

Knowledge is basically what we know about a particular object, including the sciences. Knowledge is a mental repertoire of wealth directly or indirectly enriched our lives. Each type knowledge has specific characteristics regarding what (Ontology), How (epistemology) and To What (Axiology) Knowledge is structured. The third basic interrelated, so science is concerned with ontology and epistemology of science epistemology axiology the science related to science and so on. So if we want to talk about the epistemology of science then this should be linked to the ontology and axiology.
In scientific knowledge there is to know about the structure and in thinking there Ilmiyah ingredients well. In the dictionary means the composition or structure of the building is. while the vehicle is a tool or device 3 . Both of these discussions in the foundation go on epistemlogi specification (how to get the right knowledge). In acquiring knowledge people can not use the structure and the means of knowledge, but knowledge is not only limited scientific knowledge. Besides knowing its structure we also need to know the tools for thinking. Because knowledge of the results of the process of thinking.
Knowledge has essentially three functions, namely to explain, predict and control. In explaining that there are four types of patterns deductive, probabilistic, functional or teleological and genetic. None of these patterns are explained thoroughly from a scholarly study that used a different pattern.
Structure of Scientific Knowledge Has chart as follows:

Cause and effect
   Assumption without justification
Assumption with empirical evidence
Specific symptoms

  1. Theory
Theory is a scientific explanation that includes a description of a particular factor of a scientific discipline. Famous example in economics and microeconomic theory while the macro economic theory in physics theory known Newtonian mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity. The goal is to restore a scientific theory that is both complete and consistent. 
  1. Law
Law was in essence a statement claiming ties between two or more variables in a causal link. Such as the economic law of cause and effect relationship exists between demand, supply and price formation. Theory and law have to have a high generality, or ideally, should be universal. 
  1. Principle
Can be interpreted as a general statement that applies to a group of specific symptoms, which is able to explain the events that occur, eg cause and effect of a symptom. In economics we know the economic principles and the principles of physics we know the energy eternity.
  1. Postulate
Postulate an underlying assumption that the truth we have received no proof required. Artifacts establish a strong reason postulates as we choose where we will begin to surround a circle of course we have the reason why we start from point B instead of point A. We can not prove that point B is sedangkat point A if only one if we start from another point we will stop at a different point. Postulate can be interpreted arbitrarily defined notion with no proven truth. 
  1. Assumptions
Unlike the assumption must postulate a statement that can be tested empirically larger. For example, people driving on the highway with caution because assume that highways are not safe.